序号 Title ID 游戏名称 CNMT版本号 Rom类别 游戏发布日期
1 01006A800016F001 Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate: Piranha Plant Standalone Fighter v65536 DLC 20190201
2 01006A800016F002 Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate: Challenger Pack 1 v65536 DLC 20190417
3 01006A800016F003 Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate: Challenger Pack 2 v131072 DLC 20190730
4 01006A800016F004 Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate: Challenger Pack 3 v131072 DLC 20190904
5 01006A800016F005 Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate: Challenger Pack 4 v131072 DLC 20191106
6 01006A800016F006 Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate: Challenger Pack 5 v131072 DLC 20200128
7 01006A800016F007 Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate: Challenger Pack 6 v65536 DLC 20200629
8 01006A800016F008 Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate: Challenger Pack 7 v65536 DLC 20201013
9 01006A800016F009 Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate: Challenger Pack 8 v131072 DLC 20201222
10 01006A800016F00A Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate: Challenger Pack 9 v65536 DLC 20210304
11 01006A800016F00B Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate: Challenger Pack 10 v65536 DLC 20210629
12 01006A800016F00C Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate: Challenger Pack 11 v65536 DLC 20211018
13 01006A800016F015 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighters Pass Bonus Mii Fighter Costume (Rex) v65536 DLC 20181207
14 01006A800016F016 Fighters Pass Bonus Mii Fighter Costume (Ancient Soldier) v0 DLC 20200128
15 01006A800016F01F 【Costume】Persona 3 Protagonist Outfit and Wig v0 DLC 20190417
16 01006A800016F020 【Costume】Persona 4 Protagonist Outfit and Wig v0 DLC 20190417
17 01006A800016F021 【Costume】Teddie Hat v0 DLC 20190417
18 01006A800016F022 【Costume】Morgana Hat v0 DLC 20190417
19 01006A800016F023 【Costume】Tails Outfit and Hat v0 DLC 20190417
20 01006A800016F024 【Costume】Knuckles Outfit and Hat v0 DLC 20190417
21 01006A800016F025 【Costume】Erdrick's Armor and Helmet v0 DLC 20190730
22 01006A800016F026 【Costume】Martial Artist Gi and Wig v0 DLC 20190730
23 01006A800016F027 【Costume】Veronica's Outfit and Hat v0 DLC 20190730
24 01006A800016F028 【Costume】Slime Hat v0 DLC 20190730
25 01006A800016F029 【Costume】Team Rocket Outfit and Hat v0 DLC 20190904
26 01006A800016F02A 【Costume】Goemon Outfit and Wig v0 DLC 20190904
27 01006A800016F02B 【Costume】Sans Outfit and Mask v0 DLC 20190904
28 01006A800016F02C 【Costume】Proto Man's Armor and Helmet v0 DLC 20190904
29 01006A800016F02D 【Costume】Zero's Armor and Helmet v0 DLC 20190904
30 01006A800016F02E 【Costume】Ryo Sakazaki Outfit and Wig v0 DLC 20191106
31 01006A800016F02F 【Costume】Nakoruru Outfit and Wig v0 DLC 20191106
32 01006A800016F030 【Costume】Iori Yagami Outfit and Wig v0 DLC 20191106
33 01006A800016F031 【Costume】Akira Outfit and Wig v0 DLC 20191106
34 01006A800016F032 【Costume】Jacky's Outfit and Wig v0 DLC 20191106
35 01006A800016F033 【Costume】Cuphead Outfit and Hat v0 DLC 20200128
36 01006A800016F034 【Costume】Altaïr Outfit and Hood v0 DLC 20200128
37 01006A800016F035 【Costume】Rabbids Hat v0 DLC 20200128
38 01006A800016F036 【Costume】X's Armor and Helmet v0 DLC 20200128
39 01006A800016F037 【Costume】MegaMan.EXE's Armor and Helmet v0 DLC 20200128
40 01006A800016F038 【Costume】Ninjara Outfit and Wig v0 DLC 20200629
41 01006A800016F039 【Costume】Callie Outfit and Wig v0 DLC 20200629
42 01006A800016F03A 【Costume】Marie Outfit and Wig v0 DLC 20200629
43 01006A800016F03B 【Costume】Vault Boy Outfit and Mask v0 DLC 20200629
44 01006A800016F03C 【Costume】Heihachi Outfit and Wig v0 DLC 20200629
45 01006A800016F03D 【Costume】Creeper Outfit and Mask v0 DLC 20201013
46 01006A800016F03E 【Costume】Pig Outfit and Mask v0 DLC 20201013
47 01006A800016F03F 【Costume】Diamond Armor and Helmet v0 DLC 20201013
48 01006A800016F040 【Costume】Travis Outfit and Wig v0 DLC 20201013
49 01006A800016F041 【Costume】Bomberman Outfit and Mask v0 DLC 20201013
50 01006A800016F042 【Costume】Gil's Armor and Helmet v0 DLC 20201013
51 01006A800016F043 【Costume】Barret's Outfit v0 DLC 20201222
52 01006A800016F044 【Costume】Tifa's Outfit v0 DLC 20201222
53 01006A800016F045 【Costume】Aerith's Outfit v0 DLC 20201222
54 01006A800016F046 【Costume】Chocobo Hat v0 DLC 20201222
55 01006A800016F047 【Costume】Geno Hat + Outfit v0 DLC 20201222
56 01006A800016F048 【Costume】Arthur's Armor and Helm v0 DLC 20210304
57 01006A800016F049 【Costume】Felyne Hat v0 DLC 20210304
58 01006A800016F04A 【Costume】Hunter's Mail and Helm v0 DLC 20210304
59 01006A800016F04B 【Costume】Rathalos Mail and Helm v0 DLC 20210304
60 01006A800016F04C 【Costume】Dante Outfit and Wig v0 DLC 20210629
61 01006A800016F04D 【Costume】Shantae Outfit, Wig, and Song v0 DLC 20210629
62 01006A800016F04E 【Costume】Dragonborn Outfit and Helm v0 DLC 20210629
63 01006A800016F04F 【Costume】Lloyd Outfit and Wig v0 DLC 20210629
64 01006A800016F050 【Costume】Judd Hat v0 DLC 20211018
65 01006A800016F051 【Costume】Octoling Wig v0 DLC 20211018
66 01006A800016F052 【Costume】Doom Slayer's Armor and Helmet v0 DLC 20211018
67 01006A800016F065 Spirit Board Challenge Pack 1 -Challenge various Spirits!- v0 DLC 20190730
68 01006A800016F066 Spirit Board Challenge Pack 1 -Challenge various Spirits!- v0 DLC 20190730
69 01006A800016F067 Spirit Board Challenge Pack 1 -Challenge various Spirits!- v0 DLC 20190730
70 01006A800016F068 Spirit Board Challenge Pack 1 -Challenge various Spirits!- v0 DLC 20190730
71 01006A800016F069 Spirit Board Challenge Pack 2 -Challenge Strong Enemies!- v0 DLC 20190829
72 01006A800016F06A Spirit Board Challenge Pack 2 -Challenge Strong Enemies!- v0 DLC 20190829
73 01006A800016F06B Spirit Board Challenge Pack 2 -Challenge Strong Enemies!- v0 DLC 20190829
74 01006A800016F06C Spirit Board Challenge Pack 2 -Challenge Strong Enemies!- v0 DLC 20190829
75 01006A800016F06D Spirit Board Challenge Pack 2 -Challenge Strong Enemies!- v0 DLC 20190829
76 01006A800016F06E Spirit Board Challenge Pack 3 -Bonus 5000 in-game Gold and 3 Classic Tickets - v0 DLC 20191104
77 01006A800016F06F Spirit Board Challenge Pack 3 -Bonus 5000 in-game Gold and 3 Classic Tickets - v0 DLC 20191104
78 01006A800016F070 Spirit Board Challenge Pack 4 -Bolster Your Spirits- v0 DLC 20200127
79 01006A800016F071 Spirit Board Challenge Pack 4 -Bolster Your Spirits- v0 DLC 20200127
80 01006A800016F072 Spirit Board Challenge Pack 4 -Bolster Your Spirits- v0 DLC 20200127
81 01006A800016F073 Spirit Board Challenge Pack 4 -Bolster Your Spirits- v0 DLC 20200127
82 01006A800016F077 Spirit Board Challenge Pack 5 -Snipe your Target!- v0 DLC 20200625
83 01006A800016F078 Spirit Board Challenge Pack 5 -Snipe your Target!- v0 DLC 20200625
84 01006A800016F079 Spirit Board Challenge Pack 5 -Snipe your Target!- v0 DLC 20200625
85 01006A800016F07A Spirit Board Challenge Pack 5 -Snipe your Target!- v0 DLC 20200625
86 01006A800016F07B Spirit Board Challenge Pack 5 -Snipe your Target!- v0 DLC 20200625
87 01006A800016F07C Vault Shopper Set 2 -Classic Tickets and Gold for Music, Mii Costumes, and More- v0 DLC 20201008
88 01006A800016F07D Vault Shopper Set 2 -Classic Tickets and Gold for Music, Mii Costumes, and More- v0 DLC 20201008
89 01006A800016F07E Spirit Board Challenge Pack 7 - Challenge Powerful Enemies! - v0 DLC 20201216
90 01006A800016F07F Spirit Board Challenge Pack 7 - Challenge Powerful Enemies! - v0 DLC 20201216
91 01006A800016F080 Spirit Board Challenge Pack 7 - Challenge Powerful Enemies! - v0 DLC 20201216
92 01006A800016F081 Spirit Board Challenge Pack 7 - Challenge Powerful Enemies! - v0 DLC 20201216
93 01006A800016F082 Spirit Board Challenge Pack 7 - Challenge Powerful Enemies! - v0 DLC 20201216
94 01006A800016F083 Spirits Set 1 – Legend Support and Ace Primary v0 DLC 20210303
95 01006A800016F084 Spirits Set 1 – Legend Support and Ace Primary v0 DLC 20210303
96 01006A800016F085 Spirits Set 2 - Legend-Class Primary & Ace-Class Support v0 DLC 20210622
97 01006A800016F086 Spirits Set 2 - Legend-Class Primary & Ace-Class Support v0 DLC 20210622
98 01006A800016F087 Spirit Booster Bundle #2 - Reaching Lv. max v0 DLC 20211012
99 01006A800016F088 Spirit Booster Bundle #2 - Reaching Lv. MAX v0 DLC 20211012