inja Gaiden Sigma v1.0.1
TID: 0100E2F014F46000
BID: 73C01D12EC628195
1st Weapon ID
02000000 00D22CC6 0000????
???? : Weapon ID
0001 : Dragon Sword
00C9 : True Dragon Sword
00F7 : Plasma Saber
0183 : Kitetsu (Doku's Sword)
00CD : Dark Dragon Blade
0095 : Dabilahro
0134 : Lunar
1st Weapon Level
01000000 00D22CC8 000000??
?? : Level
01 : Level 1
02 : Level 2
And so on.
Note: Make sure to put the level to at least 1 to make the weapon exist.
[Dagon Sword Level 3]
02000000 00D22CC6 00000001
01000000 00D22CC8 00000003
[True Dragon Sword]
02000000 00D22CC6 000000C9
01000000 00D22CC8 00000001
So yeah the values are the same. But i know there's still some missing weapons. Ill check them later.
[Dagon Sword Level 3]
02000000 00D22CC6 00000001
01000000 00D22CC8 00000003
[True Dragon Sword Level 3]
02000000 00D22CC6 000000C9
01000000 00D22CC8 00000003
[Plasma Saber Level 3]
02000000 00D22CC6 000000F7
01000000 00D22CC8 00000003
[Kitetsu (Doku's Sword) Level 3]
02000000 00D22CC6 00000183
01000000 00D22CC8 00000003
[Dark Dragon Blade Level 3]
02000000 00D22CC6 000000CD
01000000 00D22CC8 00000003
[Dabilahro Level 3]
02000000 00D22CC6 00000095
01000000 00D22CC8 00000003
[Lunar Level 3]
02000000 00D22CC6 00000134
01000000 00D22CC8 00000003
[100.000 Essence]
04000000 00d22540 000186A0
04000000 00d23990 000186A0
[Ayane's Ration]
02000000 00D22D12 00000172
01000000 00D22D14 00000063
[Elixir of the Spirit]
02000000 00D22CDA 000000BE
01000000 00D22CDC 00000063
[Great Spirit Elixir]
02000000 00D22CDE 000000BF
01000000 00D22CE0 00000063
[Elixir of the Devils Way]
02000000 00D22CE2 00000103
01000000 00D22CE4 00000063
[Talisman of Rebirth]
02000000 00D22CEE 000000FB
01000000 00D22CF0 00000063
[Elixir of The Devil Way]
02000000 00D22D26 000000C0
01000000 00D22D28 00000004
[Great Devil Elixir]
02000000 00D22D22 000000C1
01000000 00D22D24 00000063
[Life of Gods]
02000000 00D22D06 0000005A
01000000 00D22D08 00000063
Replace 00000063 with the value that you might need, 0000001 for one, 0000002 for two and so on or leave the active for infinite items.
02000000 00D22CFE 00000026
01000000 00D22D00 00000001
[Dagon Sword Lvl 2]
02000000 00D22CC6 00000001
01000000 00D22CC8 00000002
[Dagon Sword Lvl 3]
02000000 00D22CC6 00000001
01000000 00D22CC8 00000003
[Dragon's Claw And Tiger's Fang Lvl 1]
02000000 00D22D3E 00000199
01000000 00D22D40 00000001
[Dragon's Claw And Tiger's Fang Lvl 2]
02000000 00D22D3E 00000199
01000000 00D22D40 00000002
[Dragon's Claw And Tiger's Fang Lvl 3]
02000000 00D22D3E 00000199
01000000 00D22D40 00000003
[Unlabored Flewlessness]
02000000 00D22D1E 000000E1
01000000 00D22D20 00000001
[True Dragon Sword]
02000000 00D22CC6 000000C9
01000000 00D22CC8 00000001
True Dragon Sword breaks currently the game
[The Armlet of The Sun]
02000000 00D22D0A 00000054
01000000 00D22D0C 00000001
[The Armlet of The Moon]
02000000 00D22D0E 000000EB
01000000 00D22D10 00000001
[Art of the Fire Wheels]
02000000 00D22CEA 0000009A
01000000 00D22CEC 00000001
[Art of the Inferno lvl 3]
02000000 00D22D16 0000000F
01000000 00D22D18 00000001
[Izuna Drop]
02000000 00D22D36 000000CF
01000000 00D22D38 00000001
[Guillotine Throw]
02000000 00D22D3A 000000D1
01000000 00D22D3C 00000001
[Flying Swallow]
02000000 00D22CE6 00000198
01000000 00D22CE8 00000001
[Counter Attack]
02000000 00D22D2A 000000D0
01000000 00D22D2C 00000001
I don't know if the these are necessary, since you can also use the items without them
02000000 00D22D02 000001E2
01000000 00D22D04 00000001
[Strengthening Fire Wheels]
02000000 00D22CF2 000001E3
01000000 00D22CF4 00000001
[Strengthening Inferno]
02000000 00D22D1A 000001E4
01000000 00D22D1C 00000001
[Ninja Fortress Map]
02000000 00D22CE2 00000103
01000000 00D22CE4 00000001
[Airship Map]
02000000 00D22D32 0000005E
01000000 00D22D34 00000001
[Letter from Murai]
02000000 00D22D2E 00000124
01000000 00D22D30 00000001