MOD整合版为本人拆包制作,全曲65首,已结合原版最新升级补丁及NX PARTY MOD
为避免未知冲突,已修改TID使之成为独立版,故不能直接兼容原版存档(原版改TID可兼容导入NX PARTY,具体恕不教学)
Just Dance NX Party原文,XCI整合版无需操作,仅作为致敬原作者:
Thank you for downloading Just Dance NX Party!
Included are songs not natively playable on NX, plus a few bops from JDU!
CRUCIAL: Your NX MUST be homebrewable, if not, you're out of luck, as I do NOT support Yuzu playing at all!
CRUCIAL (Part 2): You MUST own a copy of Just Dance 2021 on cartridge to load the gane, if you can somehow get it working on digital download, then that's great!
CRUCIAL (Part 3): If you want to play this on the 13.0.0 firmware, you are required to download the following Atmosphere release supporting the 13.0.0 firmware: https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere/releases/tag/1.1.0
Mod credits:
-Pokeguy4: You Make Me Feel Cheetos no hud
-JackLSummer15: JD16 Mashups no hud
-RyanL181095: Gee “no hud”
-ems15: Ievan Polkka no hud
-Just Dance Clan: NX Texture Encoder
If I am missing anyone, let me know.
1. Download the game
2. Copy the folder it downloads to your SD Card for the NX
3. Verify it's there, then start the homebrew process.
4. Once done, just dance!