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[MOD] 真女神转生5 复仇 美版 1080P+60帧画质MOD

  • TA的每日心情

    2024-9-23 09:25
  • 签到天数: 1 天









    发表于 2024-6-16 18:27:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    https://gbatemp.net/threads/shin ... s-1080p-mod.657105/

    Main mods:
    60fps_mods.zip includes the following mods (you can use only one):
    60fps_only - just 60fps mod, nothing else has been changed
    60fps_LQ - 60fps low quality mod: no shadows, poor effects (but view distance is the same). Maybe good for Switch users
    1080p60_only - stable 1080p resolution in docked mode and 60fps, nothing else has been changed
    1080p60_LQ - the same as 60fps_LQ but stable 1080p
    1080p60_ShadowsX4 - the same as 1080p60_only but with 4x Shadows
    1080p60_ShadowsOff - the same as 1080p60_only but with no Shadows
    1080p60_betterLOD - the same as 1080p60_only but with better LOD (cars and stones won't change its shapes with distance (they will but far far away))
    1080p60_ShadOff_LOD - the same as 1080p60_ShadowsOff but with better LOD
    1080p60_HQ - 1080p, 60 fps with 8x Shadows, better LOD, better effects.

    30fps_ShX4.zip - original settings but improved shadows (4x)

    Additional mods:
    Distance_mods.zip contains:
    DistanceX2 - The visible distance will be x2 more (grass and stones will appear further)
    DistanceX3 - The visible distance will be x3 more (grass and stones will appear further)
    DistanceX0.5 - The visible distance will be x2 less (grass and stones will appear closer)

    You can use additional mods as standalone mods or as an addition to the main mods! I.e. you can use 1080p60 mod and DistanceX3 mod together

    To install mod (use only one of those Main mods and/or one Additional mod at a time!):
    For emulator (I use Ryujinx) click right mouse on the game, pick "Open Mods Directory" and extract mod there. You should get something like that - ...\mods\contents\<TITLEID>\60fps_only\romfs\...

    For Switch users I think you should extract only romfs folder from the archive (without the name of the mod) and put it into you atmosphere/contents/<TITLEID>/ folder. So you should get something like that: atmosphere/contents/<TITLEID>/romfs/Project/...

    <TITLEID> for version 1.0.0 of the game is 010069c01ab82000



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