Guswidura 发表于 2022-12-11 10:42:07

switch cheat code manager

Switch Cheat Code Manager​

This application is written inC#, using.NET framework.
App was initially designed forNintendo Switchcheatsmanipulation, organization and management.

Cheatsare basically used throughEdizon( related RAM editing apps through RCM mode, such asAtmosphere(, SX OS and etc.

For here, I'd like to thank everyone who has ever contributed to this Switch customization community.
It has a very common Windows GUI and easy to use.

[*]Manage whole set of Switch cheats (under certain validation rules, not 100% correct. TODO)
[*]Add new set of cheatsby providing
[*]Game name (i.e., Super Mario Odyssey)
[*]Game ID - TID (i.e., 0100000000010000)
[*]Build ID - BID (i.e., B424BE150A8E7D78)

[*]Insert new cheat fileby providing
[*]Build Id - BID (i.e., B424BE150A8E7D78) and
[*]Version Numer (i.e., 1.3.0)

[*]Format each cheats file into a personal preferred standard (CAPITALIZATION)
[*]Format cheat contents into a standard format: remove redundant spaces and new lines characters.
[*]Support the new SubSection standards created by proferabg( Highly recommended, especially for lots of cheats scenarios! (For detailed information, please refer to his site.)
[*]Support auto-scroll function: selecting cheat title (i.e., ) will scroll to corresponding area in the cheats file.
[*]Display preview image for better looking and easy recognition.
[*]Image file is located under each TID directory (i.e., ...\01003D200BAA2000\Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX.jpg)
[*]Image will be resized into 350x350, so better to prepare a rectangle image, or it might be streached.

[*]Support direct overwrite once you have the output pathset
[*]It will automatically detect the output Atmosphere directory
[*]Or you can change it in the > > Output path

[*]: Open a directory contains thefolder of cheats, i.e.,
- It's always torecommended to have a single folder to preserve your own cheats instead of copy-paste a whole bunch of cheats set from SwitchDB or somewhere else. It may not pass the validation rules through my app.

[*](SX OS) ...\titles\... {Set of cheats: 0100000000010000, 0100000011D90000, 010003F003A34000 ...}
[*](Atmosphere)...\contents\... {Set of cheats: 0100000000010000, 0100000011D90000, 010003F003A34000 ...}

[*]: Open a directory contains a singleset of cheats, i.e.,
- If you haven't set the default , after the firstOPEN   operation, it will automatically setthis directoryas you default input_folder. As a result, it will be easy to manage afterwards, by clicking on the button.
-If you want to change the default , you can update this value in > > Input path

[*](SX OS) ...\titles\0100ABF008968000\cheats
[*](Atmosphere) ...\contents\0100ABF008968000\cheats

[*]Then you will see all the cheats under current directory, and you are able to process cheats based on the Features provided.
- Single-Cheat mode may be restricted in several different functionalities.
[*]By selecting different games (TIDs) through the dropdown list, you can traverse through different games.
- Note: If there's a .txt file under the game directory, the name will also show in the dropdown list for easy recognition. For example:

[*]010028600EBDA000 - Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury
[*]01002DA013484000 - The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword HD
[*]010003F003A34000 - Pokemon Let's Go, Pikachu!

[*]Once a game (TID) is selected through the dropdown list, you will see the corresponding cheats (BIDs) listed in the left-bottom panel. You can simply choose among these cheats.
- Note: if there's a BuildID - Version mapping in the .txt file, it will automatically pick up. For eaxample:

[*]B424BE150A8E7D78 (v1.3.0)
[*]F5DCCDDB37E97724 (v1.2.0)
[*]3CA12DFAAF9C82DA (v1.0.0)

Otherwise, they will display as


[*]After a cheat (BID) is selected through the comobox, correspongding cheat contents will be populated in the text area panel. You can simply modify any cheat contents and save afterwards.
- Cheat titles
are grouped and divided into "Cheat Sections". You can use it as a navigation tool to position corresponding cheat title across the cheat file.
- If a cheat has defined, it will be recognized in "Cheat Sections" as well. All SubSections will be shown in small sections, and auto-scroll positioning function is also supported.
[*]If Output path (from SDcard/FTP/Drive) has been set, you can directly overwrite single cheat or a folder of cheats.
- It will automatically detect each drive and find the Atmosphere contents folder.

Format​TBH, cheat contents do not have a standard form. It's really hard for different people to manage through different games, different versions and etc. Thus, I did a lot of customizations on my set of cheats per using this application.
Here are some formating standards applied within this application.:

Cheats folder structure​..\0100ABF008968000\
------ Pokemon Sword.txt (A txt file describe shown in the app. There's also a BID-Version mapping written in the txt, detail format see below.)
------ Pokemon Sword.jpg (An image file used to show in the app.)
------ cheats\ (A cheats folder.)
---------- 5A7EEBF172343616.txt
---------- 8DAFEDBB5BE81C2C.txt
---------- 9D2DB721A9894075.txt
... ...
---------- A3B75BCD3311385A.txt
Click to expand...

BuildID-Version mapping structure​
[*]Written in the .txt file, i.e., "Pokemon Sword.txt"
8DAFEDBB5BE81C2C 1.0.0
490648316CC1CCDC 1.1.0
9D2DB721A9894075 1.1.1
5A7EEBF172343616 1.2.0
... ...
A3B75BCD3311385A 1.3.2

[*]Note: BID and Version are split by tab \t
TODO​At this moment, this application is not well-designed and codes are not refactored, so it might be very buggy through frequent uses.

Obviously, many cheat code scenarios I probably haven't concerned and covered yet, the current validation rules and formatting logics may mess your cheats up.

MENTION: Use at Your Own Risk !!!

I will keep updating it until it becomes a well-accepted and commonly-use app.

Ver. 1.0.1
- Support remove single cheat and cheat folder
- Double click preview image panel allow you to attach preview images
- Fix several logic issues and bugs

Updated to 1.0.2
- Add Settings page to modify different configs (Now you can set the input/output folders here)
- Support Language: Chinese
- You can choose preferred image.

[*] KB · Views: 139

[*]v1.0.2.zip230.2 KB · Views: 66

Last edited by solleo1989, Apr 12, 2022

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JoinedMar 18, 2011Messages17Trophies1XP382Country

[*]Mar 29, 2022

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Please let me know if you have any problem in using the;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

Here's what a cheat directory should look like:
- Image will show in the app preview panel.
- Text file's name will display as the game's name.

This txt file is also used to preserve the BuildID-Version mapping, format as below:

You don't need to worry the order, app will sort it in use.

Version 1.0.2
- Add new Settings form to specify default input folder and output folder.
- Define Background colors for Title and SectionStart/SectionEnd

- Support display language: Chinese(Chinese)
- Choose Preview images based on Preference
Once you choose preferred image language, it will pick the pick corresponding image if existed


Folder Structure
- Prefer to dump the icon image from games, it includes each version preview image.

sototo 发表于 2022-12-26 12:16:50


玩具兵 发表于 2023-2-10 18:01:33


alex11133 发表于 2023-2-11 14:09:44


zhufan520 发表于 2023-2-15 19:15:05

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